How to Avoid the Risks of Offshore Software Development

March 9, 2022


There will be risks in every decision, activity, and task that we conduct every day. Going offshore for software development is undeniably a good way to save money and leverage exceptional human resources. However, besides the advantages of offshore software development, it also has some concerns, such as the emergence of information security vulnerabilities, output quality. That deviates from the initial commitment, deadline lateness, etc.

So, what are the risks of offshore software development services, and how can they be avoided effectively? This post will show you the important content to help you understand the problem and how to avoid it.

Misunderstandings Caused By Linguistic Limitations

Among the offshore software development risks, this is a must and will very definitely be inevitable in the process. And, this process is the collaboration between two teams in different nations. The difference in capacity to communicate and utilize international languages to share information. Furthermore, it also negotiates with each other. Then, it may result in misunderstandings, resulting in discomfort and unhappiness, not to mention various project implementation issues. 

How to avoid it?

100% solved as long as you pick the correct service provider with a team of engineers that have foreign language certifications with an adequate score and communication abilities. Sometimes the certificate score doesn’t reveal much about an engineer’s abilities since the capacity to speak eloquently is dependent on their acumen. Then, a direct interview is required to better comprehend their knowledge and language abilities.

Improper Coding Specifications

And improper coding specifications will lead to poor code quality. Significantly, the term “poor code quality” refers to code. That is impossible to maintain because of its low cohesiveness. Those bugging codes are definitely not suitable and do not qualify to continue building a perfect standard product. 

Distinct business practices and project management expectations may guide the work of offshore developers. And, a clumsy implementation plagued by a lack of coherence and connectivity. Sometimes, the inability to accomplish high-quality coding is due to performance expectations. Those are not aligned with the technical side of the offshore team. Certainly, you will spend a significant amount of time working out a solution to remedy their mistakes.

How to avoid it?

The reasons leading to improper coding specifications lie in several reasons. There are two reasons: indifference in the team’s working attitude, unreasonable processes, and non-standard architecture. To avoid this situation, remember that refactoring and developing production-quality code are priorities. However, please make adjustments to the architecture to better suit the intended application.

Uncertain Purposes May Lead To Unreasonable Estimations

Another outstanding offshore software development risk is that clients and offshore team members don’t communicate clearly. And it is from such ineffective communication that the beginning leads to unreasonable estimation and planning. Human factors, internet outages, natural catastrophes, and poor signals are just a few examples of the many potential sources of communication failure. 

How to avoid it?

All the stakeholders in the project must be aware of the necessity of utilizing BPM software and project management solutions to provide proper communication. Moreover, all relevant stakeholders or offshore team members should join in leadership training as well as communication skills in order to have the ability to express the purposes most thoroughly and clearly.

Dedication In The Process Is Not Always Guaranteed

Because the technical team may manage various projects at once, offshore team members may not be able to completely concentrate on your single project. Of course, you can still check in on them and make comments in frequent stakeholder meetings, but a sense of uncertainty or ambiguity may quickly grow for you when you notice that the offshore staff is too busy adjusting to several corporate natures at the same time. 

They will most likely be irresponsible, failing to react promptly to your requests, being unavailable when you offer an impromptu meeting or being weary while executing responsibilities… This is also one of the most prevalent dangers associated with offshore software development. You should always be careful when working with an offshore team

How to avoid it?

Virtual meetings and brainstorming sessions should hold on a regular basis, and you should even propose that everyone work at the same time. In order to avoid the prominent offshore software development risks, especially this issue is to maintain the fire in the hearts of offshore team members by demonstrating discipline. Simultaneously, displaying a helpful attitude and constantly listening to the team’s difficulties is an excellent strategy to address this lack of enthusiasm.

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